Qvod Deus Unitrinus Architectus Totius Universi Omnipotens, & in specie, Humani Corporis
Concinnator Artificiosissimus, ... Programmate Hocce Publico Anatomicas Lectiones
Occasione Cadaveris Sexus Masculini, crastino & subsequentibus diebus, In Auditorio
Anatomico hora tertia pomeridiana instituendas esse indicit, ... invitat Georg. Christoph.
Detharding, D. & Anatomiæ Profess. Ducal. Publ. Otd. Tessera Anatomica: Nunquam fatis
docetur, quod nunquam fatis discitur. P. P. Rostochii, d. 28 Decembr. A. MDCCXL.
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