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Franz Omcke

LACRYMAE || ILLVSTRISSIMI PRIN=||CIPIS AC DOMINI DN.|| CHRISTOFERI DVCIS MEGAPO=||LENSIS etc. AD TVMVLVM ... || Dominae DOROTHEAE sereniß: DA=||NORVM regis FRIDERICI primi || filiae etc. Coniugis suae carißimae.|| Item || QVERELAE || ILLVSTRISSIMORVM || PRINCIPVM AC DOMINORVM DN. IO=||ANNIS ALBERTI, DN. VLRICI, DN. CAROLI,|| fratrum, et Dn. IOANNIS, ae SIGISMVNDI AV-||GVSTI, Ducis Ioannis Alberti FF. Ducum Megapolensium:|| et Dn. IOHANNIS FRIDERICI Ducis Luneburgensis,|| ... Scriptae || A || M. FRANCISCO OMICHIO SCHOLAE || Gustrouiensis Praeceptore.||

Rostock Rostock: Lucius, Jakob d.Ä. , 1576

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