Avctoritate Rectoris Magnificentissimi Serenissimi Principis Ac Domini Dn. Friderici
II. Hassiae Landgravii, Reliqva Patriae Patris Clementissimi Viro Svmme Reverendo
Et Celeberrimo Io. Engelharo Kahler S. S. Theologiae Doctori ... Primario Fidelissimo
Magistratvm Academicvm Eivsqve Insignia D. XVII. Ivl. A. MDCCLXXVII. Tradet ... Simvlqve
De Divisione Statvvm Imperii R. G. In Corpvs Evangelicorvm Et Catholicorvm Et Legibvs
Fvndata Et Vnitati Reipvblicae Nostrae Non Repvgnante
Rintelii: Typis A. H. Boesendahl
, [1777]
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