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Ernst Johann Friedrich Mantzel

Memoriam, Viri, Qvondam Svmme Reverendi ... Domini Petri Christiani Kämpfern, Phil. Et S. S. Theol. Doctoris ... Viri, De Singvlis Titvlis Et Mvneribvs Optime Meriti, Anno MDCCLV, Die XIII. Maii Repentina Qvidem, Beata Tamen Morte ... O. O. O. Lectoribvs Benevolis, Speciatim Vero Ordini Litterario Et Civibvs Academicis, Vna Cvm Afflictissima Vidva Et Filia, Pariter Ac Familia Contristata, Impense Commendat, De Morte Svbitanea Pavcis Disserens

Rostochii Rostochii: Typis ioannis Iacobi Adleri , [1755]

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