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Hermann Becker

Rector Universitatis Rostochiensis M. Hermannus Becker/ Inf. Math. Prof. Publ. & ad D. Jacobi Pastor, Ad ... Panegyrin quam Vir ... Dn. Joachimus Fabricius, S. S. Theol. Doctor, Primarius Regii Carolini Gymnasiii Professor ... Filio suo desideratissimo Dn. Johanni Fabricio, S.S. Theol. Cultori Studiossimo, Hodie hora prima solenniter paratam exoptat Omnium ordinum Cives Academicos prolixe officioseq[ue] invitat : [P.P. sub Sigillo Rectoratus die 17. Aprilis Anno 1672.]

Rostochii Rostochii: Kilius , [i.e. 1672]

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