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Ad Augendum Opificis Nostri Gloriam Promovendum Proximi Emolumentum Comparandum sui ipsius Notatiam & sic Sobrie Philosophandum! Anatomen in Nobilioris Sexus Subjecto publice se adornaturum esse indicat Et Ad Demonstrationes hodie & per subseqventes Dies instituendas Omnes qvotqvot Sacris hisce favent & ornamento sunt Singulatim Magnificum Dominum Rectorem Excellentissimum & Amplissimum utriusqve Reipublicæ Senatum Omnes Omniumqvè Ordinum Cives Academicos docendi dilcendi gloria Fulgidissimos Florentissimos, ... invitat Georgiius Detharding. Georg. fil. & Nep. Med. D. & Anatomiæ Professor Publicus Facultat. Medic. h. t. Decanus

Rostochi[i] Rostochi[i]: Schwiegerau , [1701]

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