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Carl-Heinz Schulz

Nachhaltige naturschutzfachliche Renaturierung von Naturräumen durch ein Projekt- und Naturschutzflächenmanagement : belegt am Beispiel von Kernzonen des Biotopverbundsystems im Kreis Herzogtum Lauenburg

Universität Rostock, 2007

Abstract: A method for the assessment of the practical realization of nature reservation projects is developed. With the aid of project- and nature-conservation-management all available data about the planned project-area are collected, evaluated and valuated. They are the key for the assessment of the acquisation or the barter of needed areas. The developed rules for valuation enable the fixation of the projects. They shorten the period of realization and guide available finances to the „right“ point. Not necessary expense is saved and is directly spent on the projects being realized.

doctoral thesis   free access    


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