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Jenny Krauel

Der Einfluss der ITBV- gesteuerten Volumengabe auf die Oxygenierung und Perfusion des Dünndarms unter PEEP- Beatmung und reduzierter Lungencompliance

Universität Rostock, 2008

Abstract: The ventilation with positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) is one of the key components of the therapy of acute lung injury (ALI). Aside from central hemodynamic effects the intestinal perfusion and oxygenation is significantly decreased. Reduced intestinal perfusion is one of the major causes in the development of multiple organ failure. The intrathoracic blood volume (ITBV) is a useful indicator for volume therapy. The present study shows that ITBV-guided volume loading can attenuate the harmful effects of PEEP on intestinal perfusion and oxygenation in pigs with reduced lung compliance.

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