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Stefanie Schröder

Die gastroösophageale Refluxkrankheit und ihre extraösophagealen Manifestationen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der chronischen Sinusitis

Universität Rostock, 2009

Abstract: History and clinical findings of 100 patients with chronic sinusitis and 100 patients with other diseases of the upper airway system were analysed concerning GERD/LPR. There is an increased prevalence in patients with chronic cough, globus pharyngeus, chronic laryngitis and chronic sinusitis. GERD/LPR correlates significantly with chronic cough, globus pharyngeus and chronic sinusitis. It seems to be reasonable to examine if patients with those diseases suffer as well from GERD/LPR and to strive a trail therapy with protonpumpinhibitors.

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