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Imad Aldeen Alkhalaf

Untersuchungen zu Beutespektren und Ökologie aquatischer Utricularia-Arten (Lentibulariaceae) unter besonderer Berücksichtigung planktischer Algen

Universität Rostock, 2010

Abstract: A total of 850 traps of four aquatic bladderwort species from tropical (Ivory Coast) and temperate (Canada, Germany) regions has been investigated concerning the phytoplankton captured. Furthermore were analyzed and marked 859 Utricularia plants and different prey groups as well as a mixing attempt (phyto- and zooplankton) with15N. The vast majority of traps of Utricularia species contained phytoplankton. Phytoplankton composition of 850 traps of 4 aquatic Utricularia species was determined. In total, 302 taxa out of 82 genera belonging to 6 classes could be identified.

doctoral thesis   free access    


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