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Johannes Christopher Pohl

Pilotstudie für die Reorganisation des Nationalen Tuberkuloseprogramms in Kamerun

Universität Rostock, 2013

Abstract: Cameroon bears a high burden of tuberculosis (TB) and immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. According to WHO estimates of 2012, the TB incidence in Cameroon is 190 per 100.000 inhabitants, of which 80 are "open" cases. This translates to an expected 37,000 TB cases and 15,600 "open" TB cases, respectively (WHO 2012). This study evaluates the functioning of the described collaborative HIV / TB activities during the two years since their implementation in the Littoral Province in 2007, its effects on TB patient care, and consequences for the TB programs of other Cameroonian provinces.

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