title: |
Synthese von O-Antigen-Fragmenten Gram-negativer Bakterien |
contributing persons: |
Inga Nilsson[VerfasserIn] |
1071874012 |
Christian Vogel
, Prof. Dr,[AkademischeR BetreuerIn] |
Universität Rostock, Institut für Chemie |
Andreas Kirschning
, Prof. Dr.[AkademischeR BetreuerIn] |
111686121 |
Leibniz Universität Hannover, Institut für Chemie |
contributing corporate bodies: |
Universität Rostock, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät[Grad-verleihende Institution] |
2147083-2 |
abstract: |
In der vorliegenden Dissertation wird die Synthese verschiedener O-Antigen-Fragmente
der Gram-negativen Bakterien Burkholderia anthina und Pseudomonas aeruginosa beschrieben.
Zunächst erfolgte die Synthese eines Hexasaccharids nach dem Modellkastenprinzip.
Anschließend wurden verschiedene 2,3-Diazido-2,3-didesoxy-D-mannuronsäure-Derivate
hergestellt. Die Schlüsselverbindungen dieser Mehrstufensynthese waren allo-konfigurierte
2,3-Anhydroglucoside. Abschließend erfolgte die Synthese des entsprechenden β-verknüpften
[German] |
This present thesis describes the synthesis of different O-antigen fragments of the
Gram-negative bacteria Burkholderia anthina and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. First, a hexasaccharide
was synthesized by modular design principle. Some 2,3-diazido-2,3-dideoxy-D-mannuronic
acids were then prepared with different aglycons. Key compounds of the multi-step
synthesis were different allo-configurated 2,3-anhydroglucosides. After the successful
synthesis of several glycosyl acceptors and donors, the compounds were used for the
preparation of the corresponding β-linked disaccharide.
[English] |
document type: |
institution: |
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences |
language: |
subject class (DDC): |
540 Chemistry & allied sciences |
publication / production: |
Rostock: Universität Rostock
identifiers: |
access condition: |
license/rights statement: |
all rights reserved This work may only be used under the terms of the German Copyright Law (Urheberrechtsgesetz). |
RosDok id: |
rosdok_disshab_0000001370 |
created / modified: |
08.06.2015 / 08.08.2023
metadata license: |
The metadata of this document was dedicated to the public domain (CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication). |