title: |
Study of unsteady hydrodynamic effects in the ship stern area under shallow water
conditions |
other title: |
Uuntersuchung der instationären hydrodynamischen Effekte im Heckbereich eines Schiffes
im Flachwasser
contributing persons: |
Ivan Shevchuk[VerfasserIn] |
1124167676 |
Nikolai Kornev
, Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil.[AkademischeR BetreuerIn] |
140958908 |
Universität Rostock, Fakultät für Maschinenbau und Schiffstechnik, Lehrstuhl für Modellierung
und Simulation |
Bettar el Moctar
, Prof. Dr.[AkademischeR BetreuerIn] |
Universität Duisburg-Essen, Institut für Schiffstechnik und Transportsysteme |
contributing corporate bodies: |
Universität Rostock, Fakultät für Maschinenbau und Schiffstechnik[Grad-verleihende Institution] |
10085033-9 |
abstract: |
The operating conditions of inland cruise vessels include small water depths, which
in combination with typically high block coefficients lead to rise of parasitic vibration
in the ship stern. This effect impairs the habitability and thus has to be studied
so as to propose some measures of its suppression. In the present work the CFD analysis
of the flow at the stern of a cruise vessel was conducted using scale-resolving simulation.
Influence of different factors on the statistics of the velocity field, propeller
forces, pressure oscillations and cavitation inception regions was studied.
[English] |
document type: |
institution: |
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Marine Technologies |
language: |
subject class (DDC): |
620 Engineering & allied operations |
publication / production: |
Rostock: Universität Rostock
identifiers: |
access condition: |
license/rights statement: |
all rights reserved This work may only be used under the terms of the German Copyright Law (Urheberrechtsgesetz). |
RosDok id: |
rosdok_disshab_0000001865 |
created / modified: |
23.03.2018 / 08.08.2023
metadata license: |
The metadata of this document was dedicated to the public domain (CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication). |