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Imad Kamaleddine

Unterdrucktherapie als neue Therapieoption bei der Behandlung von transsphinktären Analfisteln : Anwendung in einem porcinen Modell

Universität Rostock, 2021

Abstract: Transsphincteric Anal fistula remains a challenging issue for both surgeons & patients. Aggressive treatments are associated with high risk of incontinence whereas minimally invasive methods might lead to more recurrences. 4 Pigs (Sus Scrofa Domesticus) underwent a surgical creation of 4 iatrogenic transsphincteric anal fistulas by each animal in the supine positions 2, 5, 8 and 11 o’clock. 6/12 Fistulas were treated by Vacuum therapy. All treated fistulas healed very well and showed no adverse reactions. This new therapy is feasible and safe.

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