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Lena Kobert

Wirkstofftestung von zwei Phytoextrakten aus Allium sativum (Knoblauch) auf humane Endometriumkarzinomzellen der Linien Ishikawa und RL95-2

Universität Rostock, 2023

Abstract: Endometrial cancer is the most common genital tumor in women in industrialized nations and is etiologically closely linked to lifestyle factors. The consumption of garlic and garlic supplements is associated with numerous health-promoting properties, including an anti-carcinogenic effect. This study investigates the concentration-dependent effect of two ethanol-based garlic extracts from organic white garlic and purple garlic cultivars on the cell viability and cell proliferation of human endometrial carcinoma cells of the Ishikawa and RL95-2 cell lines.

doctoral thesis   free access    


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