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Torsten Kreher

Naturwissenschaftliches Arbeiten am Lernort Schulgarten : Auswirkungen von naturwissenschaftlichem Arbeiten am Lernort Schulgarten auf das Verständnis vom Wesen der Naturwissenschaften bei Schülerinnen und Schüler der Sekundarstufe I

Universität Rostock, 2024

Abstract: This quasi-experimental field study examines the levels of understanding of nature of sciences by fifteen-year-old pupils (n =112). It also shows which effect school garden as a learning place has on their understanding of the nature of sciences. Most pupils of the sample had an understanding of the nature of sciences that can be assessed as “naïve” and is therefore inadequate. The intervention of this field study (scientific inquiry during regular biology lessons) resulted in pupils forming more appropriate concepts and ideas of the nature of sciences.

doctoral thesis   free access