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Peter Spillmann     Hans Hermann Rump

Methodik und Ergebnisse der direkten Messung der Langzeitgefährdung von Trinkwasservorkommen durch Sickerwässer aus Abfalldeponien : Ergebnisse eines interdisziplinären Forschungsprojektes 1972 – 2009 unter Beteiligung von 17 wissenschaftlichen Institutionen

Universität Rostock, 2013

Abstract: As part of the waste-research project time scales for hydraulic processes were reduced by one order of magnitude and for biological waste degradation by two orders of magnitude using optimized physical models. Extent and duration of the loads from landfills were found to be significantly higher than is assumed in the still valid after-care programs. This, in particular, concerns the long-term risk to drinking water resources. Selected investigation methods allowed to directly measure long-term effects and to test the predictions of hazards after the dismantling of real landfills.

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