title: |
Probabilistic action selection: Tracking mutiple persons in indoor environments :
[research data] |
contributing persons: |
abstract: |
Sensor data recording of multiple (1-7) interacting persons in indoor environments
by use passive infrared sensors. The dataset was recorded in the context of the diploma
thesis of Martin Kasparick.
[English] |
document type: |
institution: |
Faculty of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering |
language: |
subject class (DDC): |
004 Data processing Computer sciences |
publication / production: |
Rostock: University of Rostock
statement of responsibility: |
Martin Kasparick, Frank Krüger |
identifiers: |
references: |
Forschungsdaten zu:
Kasparick, Martin; Stanczak, Slawomir "Towards self-organizing wireless networks.
adaptive learning, resource allocation, and network control." Berlin, Technische Universität
Berlin, 2016
Forschungsdaten zu:
Mundt, T.; Kruger, F.; Wollenberg, T., "Who Refuses to Wash Hands? Privacy Issues
in Modern House Installation Networks", 2012 Seventh International Conference on Broadband,
Wireless Computing, Communication and Applications (BWCCA), 12-14 Nov. 2012, pp.
access condition: |
license/rights statement: |
RosDok id: |
rosdok_document_0000007965 |
created / modified: |
14.08.2015 / 17.10.2023
metadata license: |
The metadata of this document was dedicated to the public domain (CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication). |