title: |
Disputatio Medica Inauguralis De Nebularum Effectu Noxio In Corpore Humano |
contributing persons: |
contributing corporate bodies: |
Friedrich-Universität Bützow[Grad-verleihende Institution] |
5025548-4 |
document type: |
institution: |
Rostock University Library |
collections: |
language: |
extent: |
1 ungezählte Seiten, 22 Seiten
publication / production: |
Buetzovii: Typis Johannis Gotthelfi Fritzii
(standardised place:
(normalised date: 1763) |
digitisation: |
Rostock: Universitätsbibliothek Rostock, 2017 |
statement of responsibility: |
Quam, In Academia Fridericiana Buetzoviensi, Consensu Gratiosae Facultatis Medicae,
Praeside Dn. Georg. Christoph. Dethardingio, Facult. Med. Seniore Et Decano ... Anno
O. R. MDCCLXIII. Die VI. Decembr. Pro Gradu Doctoris Rite, Et More Majorum Obtinendo
H. L. Q. C. Publice Defendet Joh. Francisc. Wendelinus Roth, Aug. Reg. Dan. Medicus
Castrens. |
notes: |
Vorlageform der Veröffentlichungsangabe: Buetzovii Typis Johannis Gotthelfi Fritzii,
Seren. Princ. Aul. Et Academ. Typogr. - Wahrscheinliches Erscheinungsjahr aus der
Datierung in der Verantwortlichkeitsangabe entnommen |
shelfmark: |
Universitätsbibliothek Rostock: Bützow 006
identifiers: |
access condition: |
license/rights statement: |
public domain This work is free of known copyright restrictions. |
terms of use: |
Digital reproduction shall be used according to the copyright status of the reproduced work (public domain) without any further restrictions. |
RosDok id: |
rosdok_document_0000011333 |
created / modified: |
29.04.2018 / 08.08.2023
metadata license: |
The metadata of this document was dedicated to the public domain (CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication). |