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Monique Zwar     Fiete Haack     Yogesh D. Bansod     Konstantinos Spiliotis     Mohamed Elhensheri     Francia Molina     Frank Krüger

Proceedings of the Conference on Progress in Electrically Active Implants - Tissue and Functional Regeneration (ELAINE 2020)

University of Rostock, 2020

Abstract: The conference on Progress in Electrically Active Implants - Tissue and Functional Regeneration (ELAINE 2020) focused on novel methods in the electric stimulation of bio-material compounds of living cells and implantable electric stimulation devices. ELAINE 2020 provided international scientists a virtual platform to discuss the latest achievements in the form of invited presentations, selected talks from abstract submissions, and virtual poster sessions. In addition, we particularly invited critical reviews and contributions with negative results or unsuccessful replications to foster the scientific discussion and explicitly encourage young scientists to contribute and submit their work.

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