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Katja Koch     Kristina Koebe

Prozesse um Entstehung und Bearbeitung der Pädagogischen Lesungen in Zeitzeug*innenerinnerungen

Universität Rostock, Arbeitsstelle Pädagogische Lesungen, 1.2.2021

Abstract: As part of the sub-project "Socialist School between Claim and Reality" and its investigation on the Pedagogical Readings as an institutionalized form of passing on experiences within the GDR teaching community (Koch, Koebe, von Brand & Plessow, 2019) persons who had been involved in the production and distribution structure of the format before 1989 - the so-called contemporary witnesses – were sought over a period of three years. The following article comparatively analyses the 23 interviews with people who were involved into the work with Pedagogical Readings as authors and/or part of their processing which emerged from this process. Within the framework of this analysis, it explores - taking into account the methodological limitations of such a source - the extent of generalizability, which makes it possible to confirm, supplement or differentiate previous findings and research on the creation and processing of Pedagogical Readings in the GDR. For this purpose, the recollections of the individual work phases and of various associated processes (rewards, reputational gains) are systematized as far as possible. It can be shown that there are indeed several dimensions of the work with the Pedagogical Readings that have not yet been considered in this form by any other source nor have they been examined in such depth.

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