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Katja Koch     Clemens Decker

Zwischen Drill und Lagerfeuerromantik : Wehrerziehung und Wehrunterricht an Hilfsschulen der DDR im Spiegel der Pädagogischen Lesungen

Universität Rostock, Arbeitsstelle Pädagogische Lesungen, 15.2.2021

Abstract: In school year 1978/79, a subject “military education” is introduced at the GDR’s general polytechnic secondary schools (POS). With this step, the anchoring of elements of military education in the educational biographies of young people reaches its peak. At the country's special needs schools, however, this subject is not anchored in the curriculum – here, military education is taught as part of vocational training only. Until today, little is known about how military education and military instruction was designed for young people with cognitive impairments. References to this can be found in experience reports not yet analyzed, the Pedagogical Readings. Here, the theoretical postulates of military service education in the school context of special needs school are described as well as the didactic-methodological procedure in consideration of the cognitive impairments. A specific concept of integration proves to be a central anchor point, which makes the defense of the fatherland both a duty of a person integrated into society and a central element of successful integration. In order to contextualize the topic, the present contribution first of all presents the development of school-based military education for children and adolescents up to the level of military education and presents textbooks, plans and teaching aids from the context of military education.

volume/issue   free access