title: |
Horden De Rogativa Y Peticion, Para orar y para rogar, al Senhor, para tiempo de teramoto,
o temblor de tierra, y segun se há oydo, la indignacion de Ds. se experimentó ... |
contributing persons: |
Jakob Ben Abraham Bassan[ÜbersetzerIn] |
120750279 |
Johann Heinrich Spiering
, Witwe[DruckerIn] |
1037501799 |
document type: |
institution: |
Rostock University Library |
collections: |
language: |
extent: |
publication / production: |
Hamburg: en Caza de la Viuda de I. H. Spieringk
(standardised place:
digitisation: |
Rostock: Universitätsbibliothek Rostock, 2020 |
statement of responsibility: |
Compuesto en Lengua Ebrea, y traduzido en Lengua Espanhola por ... Jehacob de Abraham
Bassan Rab. Del K. K. Beth Israel En Hamburgo ... |
notes: |
Vorlageform der Veröffentlichungsangabe: Estampado en Hamburgo en Caza de la Vidua
de I. H. Spieringk, Anno 1756. |
shelfmark: |
Universitätsbibliothek Rostock: CIc-370(4).1
identifiers: |
access condition: |
license/rights statement: |
public domain This work is free of known copyright restrictions. |
terms of use: |
Digital reproduction shall be used according to the copyright status of the reproduced work (public domain) without any further restrictions. |
RosDok id: |
rosdok_document_0000017774 |
created / modified: |
14.05.2021 / 08.08.2023
metadata license: |
The metadata of this document was dedicated to the public domain (CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication). |