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Tilman Brand von     Kristina Koebe

Die „Timurbewegung“ der DDR im Spiegel der Pädagogischen Lesungen

Universität Rostock, Arbeitsstelle Pädagogische Lesungen, 1.4.2022

Abstract: This article first outlines the development of the Timur movement in the GDR and then takes a closer look at the associated pedagogical and social goals. Based on the still existing Pedagogical Readings on this topic, the intentions of the professionals involved and the methods of guided Timur work developed from them in the 1970s and 1980s are examined in diachronic progression. In doing so, a changing reference to the legitimizing narrative, Gaidar's youth novel "Timur and His Troop”, is contoured. It becomes clear that the GDR’s Timur work with children goals in the context of the "formation of socialist personalities”. It is elaborated that this is believed to be possible only with strong guidance and therefore fills central helper formats described in the novel with their own, strongly guided, organizational solutions. This attempted balancing act prevents an exploitation of the undoubted potential of the literary model for high intrinsic motivation of the Timur helpers. In these two decades, Timur assistance is and remains a format that is necessarily linked to a teacher or pioneer leader.

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