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Katja Koch     Kristina Koebe

Der Übergang vom Kindergarten zur Schule in der DDR im Spiegel der Pädagogischen Lesungen

Universität Rostock, Arbeitsstelle Pädagogische Lesungen, 1.4.2022

Abstract: That the transition process from preschool institutions to school must be accorded immense importance is an international consensus. However, there is less agreement on how exactly this transition should be designed and to what extent day care centers should be defined as schoolpreparatory institutions. The following article focuses on the strongly contrasting development in the GDR. On the basis of a collection of 22 field reports (pedagogical readings) from the years 1963 to 1988, it is shown which conditions for success for the transition process were already identified decades ago in the practice of GDR kindergarten pedagogy and specifically underpinned with pedagogical action.

volume/issue   free access