title: |
Disputatio Theologica, Exhibens Theses Qvasdam Selectas |
other title: |
Theses quaedam selectae
contributing persons: |
Isaak Laurbeccius[Praeses] |
11685894X |
Helmuht Leopoldi[RespondentIn] |
1052803008 |
Friedrich Wilhelm
, Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Herzog[WidmungsempfängerIn] |
102111898 |
Sost. Henr. Behr
, von[WidmungsempfängerIn] |
Dietrich Joachim Plessen
, von[WidmungsempfängerIn] |
1290837228 |
Joachim Ulrich Sperling
, von[WidmungsempfängerIn] |
1304982955 |
Johann Weppling[DruckerIn] |
1037498518 |
document type: |
institution: |
Rostock University Library |
collections: |
language: |
extent: |
publication / production: |
Rostochii: Typis Joh. Wepplingii
digitisation: |
Rostock: Universitätsbibliothek Rostock, 2023 |
statement of responsibility: |
Qvam ... In Illustri Ad Varnum Academia Præside Isaaco Laurbecchio SS. Theol. Licentiato
Doctorum Placidæ Censuræ Subjicit Helmuht Leopoldi, Retendorpiensis Megapolitanus.
Ad Diem 19. Martii. Anno 1701. |
notes: |
Vorlageform der Veröffentlichungsangabe: Rostochii, Typis Joh. Wepplingii, Univ. Typogr. |
shelfmark: |
Universitätsbibliothek Rostock: R.U.-theol 1701 Laurbeccius, Isaak
identifiers: |
access condition: |
license/rights statement: |
public domain This work is free of known copyright restrictions. |
terms of use: |
Digital reproduction shall be used according to the copyright status of the reproduced work (public domain) without any further restrictions. |
RosDok id: |
rosdok_document_0000023790 |
created / modified: |
08.12.2023 / 08.12.2023
metadata license: |
The metadata of this document was dedicated to the public domain (CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication). |