title: |
Ioannis Samvelis Strykii, ICt. Sereniss. Vid. Saxo-Isenac. Consiliarii Avlici, Et
In Alma Eridericiana Professoris Pvblici Ordinarii Meletemata De Ivramentis: In Qvibvs
De eo quod iustum vel iniustum est circa iuramenta, itemque de abusu eorum insigni,
& aliis diversis casibus illustribus, ad hanc materiam pertinentibus, agitur : Adiectus
in fine est Index Rervm præcipuarum |
other title: |
Joannis Samuelis Strykii, JCt. Sereniss. Vid. Saxo-Isenac. Consiliarii Aulici, Et
In Alma Fridericiana Professoris Publici Ordinarii Meletemata De Juramentis
Meletemata De Iuramentis
contributing persons: |
contributing corporate bodies: |
Franckesche Stiftungen zu Halle. Waisenhaus[DruckerIn] |
2133444-4 |
document type: |
institution: |
State Library Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Gunther Uecker |
collections: |
language: |
extent: |
6 ungezählte Seiten, 438 Seiten, 14 ungezählte Seiten; 4°
publication / production: |
Halæ: Typis Orphanotrophei
(standardised place:
Halle (Saale))
(normalised date: 1740) |
digitisation: |
Schwerin: Rostock: Landesbibliothek Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Günther Uecker, Universitätsbibliothek Rostock,
2023 |
notes: |
Titelblatt in Rot- und Schwarzdruck |
Vorlageform der Veröffentlichungsangabe: Halæ, Typis Orphanotrophei, Ann. MDCCXL. |
shelfmark: |
Landesbibliothek M-V: Eg V 2,1320:4
identifiers: |
access condition: |
license/rights statement: |
public domain This work is free of known copyright restrictions. |
terms of use: |
Digital reproduction shall be used according to the copyright status of the reproduced work (public domain) without any further restrictions. |
RosDok id: |
rosdok_document_0000024721 |
created / modified: |
23.01.2024 / 23.01.2024
metadata license: |
The metadata of this document was dedicated to the public domain (CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication). |